
Claris Platform Bundle with Andy LeCates-Claris Platform Training Series-Claris Platform News
Hello, everyone, welcome another awesome day. Oh, FileMaker training, I’m Richard Carlton here at FMTraining.TV, where every day is an exciting day where we’re covering new and awesome things that we do with FileMaker. Let’s see, I guess we should cover the upcoming broadcast schedule real quick. So, I’m going to press the button right here, the upcoming broadcast schedule for those wondering about what we are doing. So, today we’re having an update conversation regarding Claris, various offerings, where we’re at with the Claris studio products, etc. The bundles they’re in, we will be talking with Andy about the momentarily then starting Tuesday tomorrow, we’re going to be doing day four day five day. Six of the user interface, design, and basics last week were basics. This week is kind of more intermediate, right, and then the following week, after that, we have a week of iPad focus conversation week after that is iPhone, they’re similar but different, similar but different, right? So, there you go. That’s the FMTrain.TV webpage! You just press the live button. You can see the upcoming broadcast schedule.
Today is an interesting conversation because we got Andy Lecates from Claris, hello, Andy. How are you doing, Richard thanks for having me back, mate. It’s always fun to be here. It’s always fun to be here: yeah. We were talking a little bit beforehand, and I was kind of lost. My awesome wordsmithing in terms of what Andy does. So, Andy always puts things much better than I do in terms of professional polish, I’m the guy. When things get rough, I break out the puppet action right. Andy digs deep into his verbiage and just lays on some real butter, smooth commentary – and I am talking about Richard – I’m amazed at what you can do seriously. So, today is what I’m going to do. Should I pop down a slideshow? What we’re going to be talking about today is kind of an update on the Claris platform bundle in the eclairs problem solver circle. So, the idea is that we visited this technology back in May, and this was kind of Claris effort to modernize the platform to bring us some additional awesomeness. They foreshadowed this a little bit back with the last real Devcon in 2019. So, they’re starting to make some, I would say, measurable. Substantial ongoing progress and the idea for us today is to kind of come in and look at where that progress is kind of remind us of where this fits within the schema within the world of FileMaker, the ecology of the platform.
And along the way, if you folks have questions, please, please please, please, please ask questions and post comments. So, the goal today is the problem. Solver circle version two, we’re going to talk about this, and then, as I dig a deep hole, Andy dislikes my terminology. He will intervene and help me with this, but they have this problem. Although yeah, here it’s going to come any second, I’ll see how far I can go before I get cut off at the pass, right.
Two things are happening here, and one is that Claris built this problem. Solver circle, a kind of this platform with this interesting site, licensing like an unlimited site, license super cheap that allows you to extend a FileMaker with other groups within a large organization. If you have a company of five people or 20 people, it doesn’t make any sense for you whatsoever. But if you’re like Lynne at the University of Austin, this might be a good fit for that sort of organization where you can get it super cheap and give it to the entire organization for two or three years. It works out to be, and then at the end of that, you settle up and square up with what you actually would owe if you were paying for a site license or a group license for those people, right? So, say, Lynn’s at the University Of Austin, and she has ten people in a group, they buy an extra juicy problem. Solver circle bundle. She can give it to everyone else: the entire world at the University of Austin, all the employee’s right university of texas at Austin. I think right if I have that wrong, then feel free to correct me, and then you might have two or three other groups start using FileMaker well from FileMaker’s perspective. That’s growth from a developer perspective, that’s growth for you! Your business makes a lot of sense, it’s a kind of a smart tool set. So, we’ll cover that update, and then we have this. This thing, which is kind of the future of the FileMaker platform Claris, hasn’t said that at least officially publicly, but kind of the world of what FileMaker looks like down.
The road will be some flavor version of this Claris h bundle platform. So, we last visited this. These topics are on May 10th and. So, with Claris agile development, every couple of weeks, whatever it is, they’re fielding new updates. We saw some of that at auto-enter and. So, we thought we’d go back and re-look at this and play with this a little bit. So, we have two conversations today at the end of the day. In my limited opinion, once again, this is Richard not talking from the marketing department at Claris. These programs are very similar from a technical aspect to a technical, mechanical software product aspect. They’re very similar. However, there are different licenses. This is essentially the plot. The problem solver circles, essentially a site, license, that’s. So, a low price is an effort for you to help expand it with your organization. The products that are in here are the same products that are in here. If I go to the next side, we can – and I get my face out of the way. You can see that this is a clear slide, and they made some improvements. This slide after last time was great. So, all these you know the core products that we all know and love pro go server, and maybe you’re using FileMaker cloud too, and then it comes with web direct. These are the core products that we have.
The idea is that we’re in a preview slash beta for those you don’t know what preview is another way of saying kind of a loose beta. That’s been turned loose on the public right for public feedback, etc. and. So, We have this idea of this Claris studio, which is this. The main piece here that we’re interested in is Claris connect. That’s part of this too. We haven’t played with that. Yet, at least me personally, but you’ll see that in the future. So, this Claris studio is just a new piece, and. So, I understand that one here is a site license for your entire organization, and then Claris platform bundle is basically like. You need a five-pack of FileMaker or ten seats, a FileMaker 20 seats. A phonemic, you can buy the conventional product, where you pay x, number of dollars lineup until this price change. It was 900. This suggested retail price for five users of what we call FileMaker pro go and server right pro go server, yeah and that comes with web direct 900 bucks for five people price will go up a little bit after September 23rd that is, for five people, But what if you wanted to take it and try to give it to all the people in the organization and get them addicted to it, like a crack dealer right. So, you’re going to give them a little free crack, they’re going to get high, they’re going to decide. They like to get high, then they’ll start using it religiously, and then in two or three years, when clerics confess to us, hey. So, I’m glad you liked our crack. How many of you are addicted to it now, and it’s? It went from 10 people to say 40 people or 80 people, or whatever right it doesn’t matter. If that’s what you use, language-rich, like we’re glad you got value from the platform, yeah yeah, yeah you’re, not crazy.
So, the value from the platform or you. You love the crack because it’s awesome! Not the corporate policy wax job, but it is, I think, the reality of this. If you expose people to FileMaker and you expose them to success, at the end of the day, it’s about them being successful in their jobs and being more efficient. A bigger return on investment of your staff dollars in terms of the hr’s things like that, FileMaker is a huge win in almost any organization, it is, and. So, once people see that’s why all of you are here. So, Andy . You want to talk about this a little bit because the Claris platform bundle is just this new piece of this, right? I’m happy I mean, I think you’ve covered a lot of it well, Richard. I think you know. At the start, we conceived of the problem solver circle program in the first place, from a place of how do we make our developers more successful or more valuable right like when, when we came out in April and brad and Pete. I did the webinar, you know, brad was very clear that our bar we delivered directly to our customers, nothing without you.
There is no value provided, right? It’s the developers who make that happen. So, it’s not just an emission from our strategy as a company that developers are important. It is that developer. Success is our key to success, right? We cannot succeed unless developers do so. Our job is to make you more valuable, right and it was starting from that place. Then it went well. How do we amplify the value that our developers are already providing in the businesses and organizations that they work with, and when we look at the data around our customers? We know that we have a lot of customers that have many employees but have a seat license with us that is smaller, and the implication or inference that we make is that in those organizations, they could do more, they could get more value from our platform and from their developer, whether it’s an in-house developer or a partner who’s providing services.
And so, we developed the problem-solver circle on the premise that if we took away licensing as an impediment to experimentation to trying out new whatever it is agile, you know software development within the organization, if we remove that impediment that more companies would be able to do more with their developers and get more value out of it and with the predictability of having a couple of years, two years in the original problem essentially, solver go off and Do that, then you know the customer didn’t have to worry about paying those licensing fees right. If they get the value, prove it at the end of two years, they like what they’ve got, then we’ll true up, and we’ll reset and Go on from there, right? So, all of what you said is accurate, but I want to say for us fundamentally: it is about really doubling down on our developers as the value that is provided in the marketplace if that makes sense. So, yeah. So, they’re neat, The tools get better, we want to use it in more departments, use it as a com, the customer listens, no one buys FileMaker, and at the end of the day, it doesn’t help the organization. It’s an extraordinarily rare moment that I can’t even you know, maybe once every two or three years, you hear about someone who bought FileMaker, and they never used it. It’s rare, everyone buys FileMaker, it’s a huge benefit.
The organization and, if we can take it out of like, say, Lynn, is in the XYZ department at the university of texas, and they use it in the facilities group or some other groups within the organization. Those groups should have a big benefit, and they will be happy. People who use FileMaker are happy to pay for it at the end of the day, right, you know we’re in a different era too than we were throughout the 90s right in the 90s. I think the average FileMaker developer, myself included. I was in that bucket. I was a developer like yourself, I was in the market trying to sell my services, and we weren’t particularly respected across the software industry. Right, we weren’t doing real code. We weren’t part of the core strategy. We were perceived as shadow i.t, or we were building data silos, those sorts of things, and that mentality has largely shifted. In the current era, low code has low code, as a concept is gaining some traction because it’s understood that people who don’t have a cs degree or learned how to build software using tools like ours are rather important to business right are producing real Value.
And so, now that we’re in that domain that time frame, why not do more? With this thing, right, customers are now investigating lots of tools that use low code tooling or wrap it up to app development tooling, and if they’ve already got value from our platform, why would you go? You know, distribute your resources across different tools like let’s, Let’s see if we can do more with this thing. So, we think it’s really. You know, great timing to be able to provide this kind of thing out there. Okay. So, David angel has a question, and I’m going to let you go just throw a nice easy softball for you here, David angel says web direct, anonymous users. Question mark he’s asking about. You know this anonymous user action going on down here in yeah, with the site license where we’re providing essentially 100 blanket coverage for that organization. we do not require that you know web direct access is limited to your named user pool. If you bought 20 licenses, 20 seats, or 25 seats, or something like that. So, the idea is that you can go ahead and put it out there, and as many people as you need to, that performance will allow forgo ahead and make it happen. So, this is the big part of this.
This is great because I know some people here who have thought about this and, wow. This is amazing. keep in mind at some point when you in the future, when you true up or square up with this- and you say the two or three-year program – is over, you’re going to figure out that you actually have 30 or 40connections or concurrent Connections coming in say with web direct, and that would be a license at that point you would buy, but over the whole idea is over the next couple years, you’re going to prove the ROI you’re going to see the benefit, the the the admit, the management, the bean Counters and accounting, etc. will see the value of what you’re doing and they’re happy to pay for the product. Really at the end of the day, people who value, who use FileMaker and see the value and are happy to pay for it. So, you know an emerging strategy, for you know: public web distribution of your data is coming from the platform. It’s a clear studio. So, we’ll talk about that more as well because in many use cases, it may be the preferred public web phase for your app strategy.
Well, that’s a good segue at this point. Reuben! There is pointing out that yeah. It’s like drugs, yeah. It is very much. So, it’s for the audience, Richard, before we get away from the programs entirely. These are different problems. Solver circle was last quarter and largely in response to customer feedback. We had a lot of success. Last quarter, with the psc, with the idea of the site license, the idea if I wanted to turn my developers loose. We’re looking forward to working with the customer base that got into it to, you know, nurture them, connect them with developers, help them figure out how to do new, new and wonderful things, but a couple of the points of feedback were one. We were fixed on two years, right? It was a requirement of the program, and some customers didn’t want to commit to the two-year window. Some wanted more, some gave me one year, and I’m all right. So, we made the change to be a little more flexible there. The other thing that we found was a sweet spot for problem solver circles.
That was a larger customer. I don’t mean like huge enterprise, but a mid-market customer that was large enough to invest in their technology to pay for a site license and plan for it strategically, as opposed to, you know, a small, sole proprietorship or a small company With only a couple employees where the site license itself didn’t provide value, and. So, that’s the reason why the platform bundle we thought would be a good idea, because we had a lot of customers saying I want to get my hands on connect. I want to see where the studio is going. I’d love to use all these texts together, but I don’t need the site license, so we’re bringing this one to bear. So, essentially anybody can get access to the full Claris platform. All right, real quick. So, this slideshow part of this is over.
So, what I want to do is kind of pivot a little bit, and it might seem I’m going to try not to overwhelm everyone with this. So, and and and Andy . If you want to throw, you know, throw in with me on this or throw ideas out. So, what I want to do is talk about the Claris studio a little bit. This is the part. That’s, for me, the newest, most interesting piece because it’s a new technology, but it augments FileMaker. You had a really good way of framing this conversation, but this idea of Claris studio here augmenting things in FileMaker that maybe FileMaker doesn’t do. So, well out of the box, right yeah I mean, I think we look at the platform, and again, For our developers, we want to make you more valuable. So, how can we give you better tools for the right? You know the right tool for the right job and potentially start attacking new jobs right and give you more space to exercise your innovation, your creativity, and. So, The whole point, you know, when Peter announced this last year – and we went into more detail in April – was to start enumerating the advantages of, you know, kind of a cloud scalable. You know, an architecture where we have unlimited data volume and performance at scale and the ability to present stuff anywhere.
If we could do that and make it do something rather magical which harmonizes with FileMaker right, it’s part of the overall platform. Then we can go into new use case domains that might be interesting. You know, the first thing we picked was we put the developer preview out. There was the idea of just anonymous form submission. You know, a simple use case to solve for was predicated around the registration or whatever, for I don’t know your camp a PTA meeting. Still, it was a way to get value out there that one could build and then get the data into the FileMaker platform now, we can go bi-directionally with data and do more, and we’re entertaining other use cases that we can talk about. But the idea is to complement FileMaker and focus on things that FileMaker doesn’t do well or FileMaker. Can’t do it all and see if we can add those to our toolkit.
So, a lot of words there to say exactly what you said, Richard, it’s complementary to FileMaker yeah, complimentary, FileMaker yeah. So, one of the things that came up and Andy just kind of mentioned. This is that, if Claris did surveys of like well, where, where could Claris deliver a better product or what areas are being underserved and doing basic form creation, not not in the FileMaker form, but a form on a web page and having that Easily feed before it’s, you know PHP or data API. All this other stuff, which you can still do it’s what you would use for a very, very serious website. But if you want to throw something together ad hoc, that’s where the Claris studio becomes more interesting. So, I want a quick tip of the hat. Let me do this real, quick, akin you’re there paying attention, here we go. So, what I want to do real quick is: I want to go to ken if I want to say hi just so. We all understand what we’re going to do today. So, I’m going to say the hot air balloon festival. 2022.. So, this is where we go to the Albuquerque hot air balloon festival. So, this is coming up in a couple of weeks and. So, Ken’s been badgering me about hey. We need this registration page for this thing, blah blah blah. It starts in 39 days.
They have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of balloons that show up to this thing. It’s a big big deal. You can get rides, you can watch them fly around. Look at that. That’s crazy, at night, with the lights and stuff. It’s nuts. So, the idea was, well, let’s see how far we could get if we wanted to build registration for the pilots to come here. So, let me bring everyone up to speed real quick. So, I’m a pilot, but I don’t fly balloons. I fly other stuff, and. So, what’s interesting is that to fly a balloon, you have to have a pilot’s license, and there’s a lot of the paperwork you would have in a small airplane or a large jet. They have a similar sort of paperwork for hot air balloons. You just can’t buy a balloon and fly it around. You could until law enforcement catches up and wants to see your driver’s license, right? So, what the idea was to come over here to Claris studio, let’s build a registration. So, real quick, we’ve been playing with Andy, and I was playing with this, and Andy came in and had some ideas and thoughts about it. The first thing is that previously we had these ideas of we, have you. These are all the users that are in the system. This is like a big giant developer playground with all the different FileMaker consultancies that are out there that are kind of playing with this. So, we’re in this big collective environment and ideally, obviously, if you bought it, you would have your environment, and you would only see your employees or your staff that type of thing is essential if I were to create a new view, real quick. You can create a form view, right?
So, we all understand forms if you’re brand new to FileMaker and you’ve never seen FileMaker before, this is going to be a bewildering conversation. So, just understand that, save that and come back to me or shoot me an email to support, RCConsulting, and I’ll help. Explain it. I’m assuming most people have some sort of base knowledge of FileMaker. So, you can create a form view. You can create a list detail view. We can create a spreadsheet view. You can create a kanban view, and you can also find it funny. It says kanban because you could also do a dashboard, right? I would think the dashboard would be there, but This is all right now you create dashboards starting from somewhere else. So, that’s why it’s not there, but yeah! It’s not here. So, this will evolve, and you’ll see a little weirdness here periodically. How come that doesn’t work just right? That’s because there’s still work every day they’re working on! Claris could submit an update to this thing and make it better. While we’re here, live on tv or break it. So, there’s no way of knowing what I mean when they say agile development. We haven’t covered this, Andy, real quick. So, that means you folks are coding daily today, and you’re pushing updates out to this stuff. Every week, two weeks, pretty frequently yeah, right now, we’re on a two-week release cadence to get together functionality and push it. We could, in theory, continue some integration and delivery and do it daily, like you’re talking about, or even real-time, but that’s not the current plan we want. You know, get things to a place of maturity and then bundle them up for you.
So, we don’t. It’s hard enough to keep upright, but we’ll do a two-week push, and then we’ve got help. A center that’ll now alert you to things that are coming in in the update. So, it’s just releasing functionality with a lot more velocity than we have in the past, and they’re moving fast. So, yeah yeah. I know it’s fast. So, previously we were here in May. We had views, users, and hubs are kind of new. Do you want to take a swing at explaining? What a hub is because it’s kind of like a solution, but it’s not right, yeah. I think of hubs, I’m kind of getting my head around it still, to Richard, but it’s not an app. It is a collection of views on data that you want to have for a specific audience, right? So, it’s building some workflow experiences that one audience one user may care about and want access to. So, for my CEO, I may have a hub that gives him or her all the required dashboards and different views into the workflows. Whereas you know my scrum team over here needs its hub. So, it’s just a way to organize views for a certain constituency, yeah. So, it. So, you could have, and once again, I’m going to use the date. I will use terminology and analogies that I’m comfortable with once again under the hood, here is a different database system. So, real quick for those of you just low-hanging fruit here, I know Larry, I don’t know if you’ve been around very much.
So, this is a FileMaker file here that happens to be running on my local computer. This is a FileMaker. I’m going to open with Pro Claris pro it’s going to pop open, and. So, understand that this file could be locally on my computer on the server. This system is both a front end and its back in the database. So, here is a FileMaker file, it’s very basic, very ugly, very black and white okay? The idea is that this data is here over here, right, and the data that’s over here is separate. Now we can look at both at the same time, but it’s really important to understand initially that without setting up a bridge between the two sides, there’s a left side and a right side, and then really, this could be. You could consider this a SQL oracle system over here, a big iron-heavy, heavy capability. It can grow much larger in terms of capacity than FileMaker. Can people always say how many users can FileMaker handle simultaneously, and the answer is several hundred at a time depending upon the server, maybe even 500 at a time, if you have a great server? You’ve been watching our training about optimization, but there are limits To where the basic FileMaker engine can go, Claris calls that the Draco engine, I’m just going to call it Draco. That’s the engine over here. This engine over here is like SQL, but it’s not SQL. It’s this no SQL kind of explicitly. No sequel, right, I know, but I don’t know I don’t that blows up my head when you say that. So, I just kind of think for your viewers that may not have seen it.
The stream you did with Chris Moyer a couple of weeks ago was awesome. I think Chris did a great job of digging in on what is a no SQL data store. How does that compare with the relational database environment that we’ve already known, and then start to, I think you know, speculate about what might be the potential of having those two things harmonized to work together like you just mentioned that right now, I set them up In two places. Still, then I build a bridge kind of like ess right to an oracle, yeah, and I build that bridge. So that I can now bi-directionally and move my data, but over time, we may be able to make that one option right. You build it in one place, it’s available in both. I don’t know if we can or not, but you know that’s the idea of harmonizing those two things. So, that we think of them as developers as one sort of data foundation for our creativity is kind of the goal. So, I’m hoping we can figure out how to do that.
You’re right, the no SQL database has a document store. This is the stuff that hosts really big cloud properties, right? So, the idea is that you could support millions or billions of transactions through it. It’s not about relational meaning the way that you know yeah, I’m waiting for you to spit that one nicely and have to write that one down because it’s for those of you. I’ve been doing this for 33 years, and it hurts my head to think about this. So, what I want to do is a short kind of show. You, I created a hub. Creating a hub is nothing more than saying here’s a hub. If I create a hub, I can call it’ll, just call itAndy one right just for a moment, and this doesn’t particularly matter b, create a hub over here. So, what I’m gonna do is, you could add a view. So, let’s just say I’m gonna get rid of this one right here, it’s We have these Andy hobbies, and if we want to add views. So, a view is essential, from our perspective, a layout. So, a hub, and until you get your head fully wrapped around the idea of what this stuff is, I’m going to give you loose analogies that may not be true, but they should be close enough for us to get through the live stream today. So, a hub for the moment, I’m going to consider it a solution, and a view will be a layout with a backend table attached to it. So, if I say add a view, you can go into the other views that have already been created.
These should be thumbnails here we could go in and see. What the lion was doing blah blah blah whatever here’s one from someone else, we say, add views. I have no idea. What’s that and. So, you could come in here and say: hey, let’s open up that or look at that, etc. So, building a view is very easy, very straightforward. If I come down here to the one where we were working on the hot air balloon, what I want to do is create a new view like if I’m in views – and I say here – are the views right here and I want to create A view I can create a form of detail.
Once again, the form view will be a web page. It’s going to be. If I just create one right here, it’s going to say it starts with the kind of this idea of registration. You can add other pages here. The idea is it’s not required to be registered, right? You can customize the data behind it and change it to anything. You want it, but the idea is that it’s one-way form submission. So, when you present that out to a user, they will not be able to search records and find them and sort them; they’re just going to be able to pipe data into you, and that’s what that form is for. So, so what I’?. So, what I’m going to do is I’m going to pivot back to our hub over here where we had the hot air balloon, and I created this registration called hot air balloon. Some of you know I’ve been talking to ken about getting the information because I fly helicopters, kin flies hot air balloons and the rigs and how this stuff is a little bit different. So, I was trying to get for his kind of the official stuff on it, and. So, what I’m going to do is I’m going to come over here, and I’m going to say I’m going to edit this form.
So, once again, this looks very similar. There’s a page you could have other pages in the middle, and then you have a confirmation. So, if I edit the page, it will pop up right here. And so, this is the Albuquerque 2022 starts in a couple of weeks and. So, as you’re, adding fields or creating fields, all you have to do is say like, and you grab it. You can move it around, it’s very simple, very straightforward. It keeps you from turning it into a hot mess. It also kind of limits some of your creativity, but if you’re trying to do this ad hoc, most people don’t want to create the art, you know, like Nick hunter. Those who know Nick, he worked at Claris, worked at Apple, and does a lot of UI design.
He wants to be able to make pixel-perfect adjustments. This does it for you automatically, which is great, right, but to add a feel. Let me just have a feeling about writing within constraints. You know, I think we were talking about this earlier, Richard. I am complicit in this, but you know I can make a database as ugly as I want to, and I do it right because I’m not someone who obsesses over design all the time. So, with this tool, I can design something much simpler. I don’t have to worry about the pixel alignment and all the sort of color combinations and fonts, and you just throw it out there and get it done and get it done in minutes or much more quickly than I traditionally can build a layout. So, here’s what happens I can press the button right here to say share, and the sharing is enabled you could disable it, or you could turn it on the right, and then this would be the link. So, I’m going to copy this link, I mean: what are they going to do, please do not post questionable material, Reuben, Reuben, and David Angell, right? Because Andy’s here, we must be on our best behavior, right? So, that’s what that’s! What your mom says to you, beyond your best behavior, makes you have clean clothes on all right. So. So, this page is done right here. Something new we didn’t have may be the ability to submit containers.
Now, they don’t call them containers here. They’re called attachments which, of course, if you think about it, is a FileMaker declaration: we’ve had them for a long time, but really everyone thinks about attachments. Initially, when I saw this the other day, I was like. Oh, that’s offensive. They don’t use the word container, I’m offended, and then I realized, wait. A minute attachment might be the more appropriate name for it, and you’re like, ah, okay. So, what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna go ahead? I had that link. I pasted it. I’m gonna, as you may get, it’s here. It saves automatically. So, this is life. I’m gonna go over here to my browser, I’m gonna pop a new window, I’ll just paste in the link, I’m hoping this works, and. So, here comes the actual page. So, I can put Claris east right here. Uh d, her last name is international. We could have an email on here. I’m gonna skip that this field right here is set, and these two fields here are set for required rights. That’s now an individual item. I could put some other information in here, but, more importantly, I can drag and drop pictures in here. So, I would need a picture of a balloon somewhere. I don’t have that. Let me put that. Let’s put this picture here, it’s a screenshot! I have the driver’s license photo. Here’s Claris driver’s license photo right here. She needs a pilot license front photo. You have the pilot’s license front and back there are all sorts of log books showing us your log books with endorsements to prove that you have been. You have training. Oh, that’s interesting, hey Andy! Here’s one for you, there’s a new extension for some of the images. That’s modern: it’s called w-e-b dot, p, a new format, and I dragged that over here, and it just didn’t like it.
You could put any documents: you’re not guaranteed a preview on every format, but You can put any kind of document in an attachment. So, I guess we’ll have to look at that. Web yeah, that’s a new one that I’ve caught. So, hang on here, we’re getting through this! So, where’d my picture gone up there? She is right there. So, we got the pilot photo of a questionable pilot. I wouldn’t trust her now, I’m going to say, submit, and it’s going to submit. I have a warning message: it’s not been completed, ah country, USA, all right. So, I’m gonna submit now, and it’s giving us a dialogue as it puts the images and loads them up. It sticks that required field was also what one checkbox by you Right, this whole thing is making watching not a whole lot of digging into auto interruptions and validation options, and all that you pick a data type and you make it required or not, and you’re kind of done right, and the rest of the work is done for you. So, it’s a very fast design kind of tool set, yeah. So, let me pop over here. Is this going to load? This? Has the spreadsheet ballooned there? It goes okay. So, since those of you wondering about back in May, you could create data in the clear studio. You could slurp it across in the FileMaker, which you’ll see momentarily, but FileMaker from our conventional site. Conventional FileMaker pro goes web direct, that kind of Draco side. We couldn’t push changes back the other way.
Now it can. So, earlier today. I did an import over here, and I pushed in like 3 800 records down here. So, right now, I have a filter applied. I’m used to pressing the command f fast. I can’t do that here, but I do have a filter. That’s been turned on here, and I can say, get rid of the filter or clear all, and. So, now we have 3857 records which are kind of neat. You can do sorts, you can group it. Your group is our once again translating find mode. Do a found to set a group is a sort with a sub summary right kind of cool, right, and. So, there are all sorts of stuff in here. So, here’s earlier, I registered a balloon. I can click on this and see this is the container. It’s in the data system now, if I scroll to the bottom down here, all right, it’s sorted! Let me ungroup, I’m gonna. If I keep group what, if I turn it off grouping off there, we go. So, some of this is for us. Some of us here are doing a new exercise. Oh, down there, there’s the one that we just submitted. Claris is going to fly a balloon there. She goes, that’s awesome and, let’s see so, you can slide right. So, it does have the container the other container the resort sees is okay. So, some of the containers aren’t on the screen here. If I wanted to see the rest of the container’s table action, let’s see import density. How do I find the image of the field? That’s not there, Andy, because there, you need to add a column. So, I think, if you, I think, if you go to the plus button on the right, I hope I’m right on this. You should be able to add all the columns that aren’t yet here, is that right? Are we creating one that’s creating, and that’s adding a column creating? Is that any column then, yeah? I honestly haven’t played with this build recently. I want to go down builder. That’s fine, it’s the same issue. We have. So, it’s new for all of us here, but the data is here.
You have to display it here, which could be a bug too. Once again, this is evolving very rapidly, but it’s much better behaved and much more useful than it was in may, and. So, you can see the agile development happening. So, over here header there Richard, if you, if you click on that thing, like with The light blue columns this one, oh there you go, you go. So, you can turn on fields, and then you can change the order here. That’s kind of like he says nice things. I like it very cool. What, if you say, show off, I mean, especially when looking at this spreadsheet view is another space. You know we talked about the forms earlier, and we talked about them before that. You know areas where we can build new tools that make you more productive. Make you more valuable, right? Then we did an internal project with Robert Holsey, who did a demo a couple of weeks ago. I think he shared this. He built an internal survey tool that we already had done in FileMaker. So, he had a perfect spec, and he rebuilt it in FileMaker, and he rebuilt it with the studio. He could do it in studio one-tenth in the amount of time – because he didn’t have to do all the bit fiddling and figuring all the little alignments. The stretching and contraction based on screen size right, he was able to do in about 45 minutes in FileMaker and four minutes and seven seconds with Studio. So, that’s developer efficiency, right that just makes us more productive.
It’s not necessarily about making it easy for you. Someone who, I don’t know, doesn’t have the skills and capabilities of everybody on this call. It is literally about giving us value, making us more productive, and when you look at this spreadsheet view, thematically, there’s something similar here I mean sub, summaries are extremely powerful, we’ve been using them for 30 years, but they were state of the art in 1993, and today Somebody expects to open up a browser, see a list view. Do a group do a sort go to the bottom and get a quick summary on that column right, and you can do all that in a couple of quick clicks, a CEO can be on the golf course and pick up their phone and do this stuff right and Get to immediate data. So, again it’s about just providing more productivity and capability to our toolset, and the spreadsheet view is aimed toward that. We’ve got work to do, but it’s getting there fast. So, that’s it! This is slick. So, there are two big pieces here I wanna show. First, I wanna show the connection piece. So, once again, this is the FileMaker.
The FMP12 file, whether it’s local or on our FileMaker server over here, is the Claris studio with the backend, which is to have them talk while we’re in FileMaker. I can say I’ve already logged on to my Claris studio id. That’s how you know they know who you are. I logged in with my ID and went through that process. If I go file manage database once again, you’ll see the tables that I have. I created a local table right here, and for those who see this in italics, this is a certification test question. If you see a field, that’s in italics right here. That indicates it’s coming through ess or SQL connection, right? So, in this table, I said local registrations and pro. I could bring them over here, but in this one, where it says hot air reg in the studio. There are 3856 records over here, that’s pretty slick in the relationship. I could connect them relationally. If I wanted to, my goal was just to display the data and to be able to play with it and look at it. So, I have a layout. That’s here once again, basic FileMaker with local elements. If I create a new layout, I could have that layout. It is in a table view, but it could be a You know, I could change it to a list view or a form view. I want to once again very ugly notice how ugly it gets without any babysitting, whereas this system over here will babysit you a little bit as you create the form.
So, it doesn’t look immediately hideous, right? So, this data is now live. So, if I come over here and I make an edit. So, we’re just to demonstrate the point I come back to the top – I don’t think it’s okay. So, there’s like test four. So, if I change test four to four four four over here right and I move out – it saves the edit automatically for you here. It won’t immediately change here. You have to run a process where you’re going to run a script step that will refresh it, blow out the cache data, refreshes the data, and then, after a short moment, you don’t delay, you’ll get a redraw, and you get this information right here. It’ll say test4: this is the part that will be optimized with a higher speed as we move along. If I make an edit over here, here’s edit one and I could just put- let’s just put Andy in here – Andy alright. So, we got Andy in there, and I made an edit here. One of the things people have asked us to edit or update in real-time. I saw this at one point in real-time, and then I haven’t seen it since. So, at one point, I did see that. So, I’m not sure what it would take for me to refresh it. When I returned, I looked at this browser and just refreshed the browser. Probably would do it, too yeah, Let me try that again. The problem is its loading, 3, 800. So, there’s Andy right there. Let me try right here. Let me do that again, let’s tiny Andy smith. So, we have an edit there. Oh, this works, I’m hoping to learn with you, yeah!
Well, that’s the thing with this is that you’re running through this, and we’re seeing all the bells, all the bits and pieces things that we assume FileMaker does automatically yeah, No, it didn’t do it that time, that’s weird! Oh, it didn’t. Okay, good! So, once again, having a refresh on here would be something That would be great, but you can see where this is going, right, yeah, I did commit over here Let me try one more time, maybe Christian Schmidt from monkey bread is saying: maybe it wasn’t fully committed. So, I held the option key down there. When I do the reload. So, that’ll force a kind of a super to reload. Oh, there it goes, it did take it. So, Sometimes there’s timing, yeah. If you, if you make, if you make an edit fast to come over here, it may not have fed its way back through. So, pretty neat stuff. Now one of the new things and Andy – and I was wrestling with this – and he was very patient with me as we did. This is that we were in our hobbies like well if you play with the new amazing stuff that does amazing. I like the chart. I’m like here, Claris history with a charge has not been great. That Claris says the word chart, I ran whimpering the other direction, but we built the chart, and it was. So, easy, and. So, we ended up saving the chart. So, we ended up going into our spreadsheet over here. We could do it again. You want to do it in real time when I try it, okay? So, what we have to do is we have the data, and then we have to do a filter. We wanted to do a filter on the column called to address one. So, what I’m going to do is I’m going to click over here because the fields that the field labels are a little bit monkeyed up because we’re playing with this in real-time. But I’m going to add a condition for the filter. I hope the state is not a good one. I want what address 1 was, and I’m going to say it contains the word I’ll. Just do Texas this time. Okay – and I click on that. I clicked over here, and did it take it? Is it going? What did we do? I think it didI’ showing 204 records right now. If I squinted or did it, it may have done it hang on. It may have done it, and I didn’t notice it. Oh, that’s correct! So, I’m sorry, I missed that 204. So, if I can, can I grab this and move it? Will it do it? Yes, go. Yes, I like it, alright. So, over here, yeah.
So, we’re kind of willing FileMaker to go. Where we’re doing, I mean we say: FileMaker is the Claris platform, shall I say more clearly. So, then what we want to do is we want to. We wanted to do a group by the city. So, we did a fountain. So, we have this found set. We want to do a grouping by the city. I clicked on that. What does that get me? Oh, group by city, there’s a shortcut right here under the little arrow – that’s very cool. So, I’m gonna say group by city, and then that’s great. So, now, if I click over here. Ah, that puts the count up there for me automatically. So, it kind of builds our sub-summary for everyone. So, Amarillo 5 Austin 19. There we go. So, then we wanted to create and write a dashboard right. That’s what we were doing. We wanted to create a dashboard. Andy, feel free to stop me. If I mess this up here, we’re going to create a dashboard, that’s horrible! Okay! How do we fix this? We want what we want in the city. Is that what we wanted? What would we group by um? We did this before it was respecting our found set and our grouping What do we do, Richard? I’m trying to remember, I’ I’ have a try it on the Try it on the grouping header. Oh, the grouping. Oh, this one, yeah! It’s not giving me that at the moment. What am I grouped by right now, I’m grouped by address one. Let me try that, okay, oh there, okay! Well, okay, we have 204, and it’s texas. So, what was the city like? What was okay, hang on. Let me see if it’s okay. So, what do we want to do? So, what we’ll do is we’ll try, city? No, it’s giving me grief. I think you have two fields called cities and I think that may be part of your problem. What are my two fields, what do I do if you scroll to the right? I think you have a second city column, and I wonder if they’re getting confused, I thought it’s like yeah, see, they want the phone numbers. So, they’re all unique. I bet there’s an issue there. Well, I should call this phone.
Then why don’t we just change the name there oop, save, great. So, we should try that one more time. What I’m gonna do. I’m gonna cheat and see what we did previously because that’s what I’m going to do because we’ve already built this, And it’s just a matter of doing the sequence correctly, yep. So, I’m going to hit the chart right here, I’m going to say open okay? So, that is giving us notice right here. This is kind of an important piece right here. So, over here in our spreadsheet, we were already in texas right, real, quick, and. So, we’re over here messing with texas trying to get it to work. But when we build the chart, it preserves the context. So, we built the chart, it was in California sorted by the counties quite by accident, and. So, it preserves that which is great. So, it was doing what it was supposed to do. But it preserves the found set, and you can also easily share this with peach people, which is great. Am I going to go back over here? I want to see the chart, I’m going to say edit the chart there. We go to the bar table, x-axis, county y-axis, record count and unique, and. So, is county and record type. So, what I think we got ourselves in trouble this time was Richard using the city because we have the two city columns, and yeah, I’ll bring them back to the office to let them know yeah. Well, it’s Well, you know if I can get confused by it. A brand new person will get confused by it, too, because that’s well without these to your audience. What we’re doing right now is the kind of interaction I’ve had with the platform.
So far, I promise next time I come back, I’ll be a little more familiar with all this and have some better demo content for you. No, I think it’s it’s I think this is educational because people are seeing this, and the people here are all nuts and bolts people they’re out there. It might bother you not to have a super polished demo, but you learn a lot by watching someone frankly struggle under the load right and so. It is. That was all it was and. So. So, then. So, when I create this, it will create a layout. It will know that the backend table is this back-end table it attaches to. It also is going to take note of the for, in FileMaker terms, take note of the found set and the sort state found, set, and sort state very, very important. So, I created this. This is. So, cool. So, right now, you’re like yeah. It’s pretty cool, right, and? So, it’s a dashboard. It would be the Texas dash right for like, and I could probably go up here and change it. Let’s see, there’s dash, I think, there’s anything here as well, Richard, that you know. I assume this is still the case, but when I was out in the wild. I was building solutions as a professional developer on the FileMaker platform, For every system that we built, there would be some amount of the project that was building all the reports right For the execs for the CEO, they knew what was coming out of the software we made. Now with this, I recall a story, one time when I worked with a cool company.
About Us
Richard Carlton Consulting has been a premier consulting company on the FileMaker platform for over thirty years. Founded in 1990, RCC has grown to become a dedicated staff of thirty-four people, and continues to grow and expand to meet our customer’s needs.
From building custom apps, making personalized CRMs, offering one-on-one training, to creating video courses, RCC has a staff it can be proud of. Our Senior Engineers have experience in a wide variety of programming experience outside of FileMaker, our Coaches guide beginners and intermediates alike into a far better understanding of building their own CRMs, and our support team is always ready to quickly respond to incoming inquiries and requests for assistance.
Whether you are looking for your own CRM, Custom App, or education, RCC’s staff stands by our mission to support the customer in improving their organizations and lives in whatever way possible.
Our current staff is scattered across the US, with our headquarters in Northern California.